Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jacob Turns 3

Today is Jake's birthday and I thought I would record some things about him to remember what his favorites are and what he is like right now.

He told me he was getting bigger and I said no I want you to stay my baby boy forever and he said OK I will. His favorite food Definitely Corn dogs but he likes green beans and cottage cheese. Favorite show Johnny Test or any new DVD from the library. He spells his name "ABCD Jacob" He is most excited to get a Little Einsteins rocket for his birthday. He likes to "write" his name and always comes and shows me his writing and tells me all the letters that are on the page. He can write a few letters but mostly it is interpreting his writing after the fact. He loves Nursery. He loves building really tall towers. He loves to wear his PJ's and would keep them on all day if his mean mom would let him. His favorite outing is going to the toy store to look at the toys. He loves his baby sister and always says "she is so cute and so precious". He is a great helper he loves to help. He has an "omnitrix" that looks like a big toy watch that he wears everyday so he can be Ben 10 and turn into "Humongasaur" and fight the bad guys. I get to be his sidekick Gwen. We play Pirates everyday because he has to wear a patch to help his eye and he loves to drive the pirate ship and get the sharks that try to get us. He likes to say prayers. He loves to play with his friends (ie cousins mostly). He loves the water and swimming. He is very brave. He will jump off anything. He tries to jump down the stairs from the top (I make him go down and jump from the 4th stair or lower). He loves to wrestle with his dad. And always thinks he can win. He never gives up until dad gets too tired. So I guess he does win by sheer endurance. He has a very sweet disposition and more energy than I know what to do with most of the time.

1 comment:

JillEE said...

Happy Birthday you beautiful, precious boy! We love you !